My Bookish Goals for 2021
I definitely have more goals going into this year than at any other time. 2020 has brought many changes to a lot of people, both good and bad. Like a lot of people, I was laid off from both of my jobs at the beginning of 2020. While that was certainly bad, it also gave me some much-needed rest and time for reflection. Prior to being laid off, I was working 7 days a week. I’m not going to whine about working so much-it paid my bills. But, let be real- I was on a certain path towards real burn-out and exhaustion. Those months off did me a world of good. I was able to spend time with my husband, daughter, and our little family of pets-resting, regrouping, recuperating, eating, binge-watching TV, and all-around de-stressing and it has made me truly understand that the time we spend on the things that are important to us is priceless.
I got my reading spark back in 2020 and it brought me to Bookstagram, Book of the Month, and Booktube (as a viewer…..maybe even someday with a channel?!?) and ultimately back here to this blog. I’m incredibly grateful to this online book community that spans across platforms. Thank you for welcoming me into your folds.
Hopefully, Covid will eventually die out in 2021 and we can go back to spending time with family and friends that live outside the home. I can’t wait for that.
My Bookish Goals for 2021
This year I’ve made a few bookish goals that will, I hope inspire me to read more, keep track of what I’ve read and even branch out into new genres. Here are my goals and how I plan on obtaining them.

Reading More Books– So, I did not reach my reading goal of 50 books in 2020, but I also didn’t make reading a priority until about late summertime. I ended the year reading 34 out of 50 books. And even though I didn’t make last years’ goal, in 2021 I’m going to aim higher. I decided on a goal of 75 books (that’s 4.3 books a month or 1.44 books per week). I figure I’ll check-in with myself mid-year and if I’m ahead, I’ll extend the goal to 100 books. Which would work out to be around 8.3 books a month and pretty much 2 books per week. Doable? yes, I believe so….although I’m behind already š
Write More Book Reviews– I really want to have some sort of system for writing my reviews right after I finish a book. Even if it’s just jotting down a few thoughts while they are fresh and filling in the details later. I am back at work now full-time and am grateful for it, but time is at a premium for sure. Writing reviews is important to me as a reader to keep the stories I read top of mind. But it’s also important to the book community as well as the authors who write them to have as many readers as possible share their thoughts on those stories. One way that could certainly help me get into the habit and routine of reviewing the books I read, right after I read them is to keep a book log. This brings me to my next actionable goal…
Keeping a Book Log- After some research into the many book/reading logs out there I bought this one on Amazon and I couldn’t be happier. It has space for 100 books with a quick reference list at the front. Each entry has everything I could need and the format is well thought out. Plus, its soft cover allows me to keep it in my purse without being too bulky. I could certainly create a spreadsheet to keep a list just as efficiently, but here’s the thing–I like paper, I like notebooks, I like feeling the smoothness of the page and filling it up with writing. I just do. š That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with keeping track of things digitally. I do that as well on Goodreads and I use online platforms like Trello to keep all my ideas & projects organized and I could certainly create a book log board on there if I wish, also. But there’s just something about having it in my hand for easy reference that’s more appealing to me.
Broaden my Reading Horizons– This is an ongoing goal for me. But it’s ever-evolving, even as my tastes have changed over the years. However, I do find myself gravitating back towards certain genres anyway, it’s like coming home. Among other genre favorites, a good mystery, especially if it’s historical, will always be on my shelves and TBR lists. But I’d like to branch out a little more this year into even more areas. There are a lot of reading challenges in the online book community that can help with this and I plan on taking advantage of a few of them. Another way to reach this goal is to ask friends, family, and co-workers who have different tastes to recommend their favorite books or authors. One thing I’d love to do when the world goes back to some form of normal is to join a real-life book club. I think that would be fun.
And here it is February already!
Where the heck has January even gone? That’s okay with me though, it puts us one month closer to spring and I can’t wait for that! What goals do you have for this year? Has 2020 given you more insight than usual with what’s important to you as it has for me? Here’s to a safe, happy, and healthy 2021 to us all! Happy reading adventures, too!
The tea I’m loving right now is Traditional Medicinal’s Throat Coat. I love this one in the afternoons after talking on the phone most of the morning. This time of year my indoor allergies are bad and so is the dry air. I love the licorice-ey (if that’s a word) taste of throat coat and it’s so warming and soothing.
P.S. I do have other non-book related personal and business goals, too for 2021. Please comment if you’d like to see a post on my other goals. I personally love to see other people’s plans and goals each year. It’s very inspiring.